DeepTracker Setup

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Deep Log Analyzer uses DeepTracker technology for the best measurement accuracy of unique website visitors, sessions, returning visitors and other valuable website metrics.

Advantages of DeepTracker technology

Uniquely identifies each session using session cookies
Identifies sessions correctly when user's IP changes during the session
Identifies visitors uniquely by permanent cookie
Allows to detect returning visitors metrics accurately
Overcomes proxying
Overcomes caching by browsers and ISPs
Records extended information about visitors systems such as:
screen resolution;
color depth;
Javascript support;
Flash version;
system language;
Records exact visitor's path


DeepTracker technology is easy to install and use in Deep Log Analyzer.

1.Enable DeepTracker method for your project

Open Project Settings in Deep Log Analyzer and go to Analysis tab. Mark "DeepTracker method" radio button in Session & Visitor Tracking section of the window

2.Upload tracking files to the website

You need to place dla_tracker.js and dla_tracker.gif files on your website. These files can be found in "{Program Files}\Deep Log Analyzer\DeepTracker\" folder. Upload them to them to the main directory of your website.

If site's page files are located in sub-directories of the website as well, you need to upload dla_tracker.js and dla_tracker.gif files into all  such subdirectories too.

3.Add DeepTracker Code to web pages

DeepTracker Code is a small part of HMTL code that looks like this:


<!--Deep Log Analyzer DeepTracker code Start. Do not modify this code-->

<script src="dla_tracker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">




   <a href="" target="_blank"> 

     <img src="dla_tracker.gif?_dtjava=false" alt="website statistics" border=0>



<!--Deep Log Analyzer DeepTracker code End-->


You need to get the code specific for your website. Open DeepTracker Code page in Project Settings. Click Copy to Clipboard button. Then open the editor you use to edit the website and paste this code right below <body> tag. This code should be inserted in all pages of the website. If your website design uses includes for displaying header on each page, it is the best place to insert the DeepTracker Code.

Tip: If it is impossible to insert DeepTracker Code in ALL pages of the website try to insert it at least in the main page and possible landing pages (entry pages) of the website.

4.Check DeepTracker Code

Open Project Settings->DeepTracker code tab an Click Check DeeptTracker code button or click File->Check DeepTracker Status menu. This will verify if DeepTracker Code is correctly installed on the website.

Deep Log Analyzer will check for DeepTracker Code in the HTML code of site's main page and presence of dla_tracker.js and dla_tracker.gif files in website's root folder. Deep Log Analyzer will report if any problem found. Fix possible problem and click Check DeepTracker code button again to make sure that tracking is set up correctly. Then move on to the next step.

5.Enabling cookies recording in web server

This step is required to ensure that your web server records cookies information in the web log files. Deep Log Analyzer needs this information in logs to process data recorded by DeepTracker technology installed on the website. This is done differently on Apache (Unix hosting) and IIS (Windows hosting). Follow these instructions for your web server:

Apache web server - setup log files
Microsoft IIS Server - setup log files
6.Import log files

Import log files created after adding cookie field. Check Screen Resolution report. If it's not empty, DeepTracker technology is setup and functioning properly

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